How do I grow my business cheaply, flexibly and conveniently?

Jul 15, 2014 | Storage Info

The rise of the online traders and the self storage industry

With the increase in online business, there has opened up a need for space – in that there just isn’t enough of it! Traders through sites such as eBay, Amazon or Etsy are now on the lookout for extra storage space so they can de-clutter their home or office space. According to 178,000 of their active users run a business or use eBay as a source of income – that’s a lot of stock to store!

The growth of the online seller has changed the way in which we shop and has therefore changed the way that shops operate – if you’re not online then you’re missing out on a huge proportion of the market. There is also a need for speed; customers want to click, purchase and receive their item instantaneously. How many times have you thought about or actually posted a bad review to a site because of poor delivery? That’s where having a self-storage unit, like the ones here at McCarthy’s Storage World, comes in handy…

With more and more high street shops closing down, downscaling and cutting back, the need for online retailers is booming. This in turn means that storage centers are finding themselves more in demand than ever. They can be used for anything as simple as a place to store stock, all the way up to a place to run a pick & pack operation! As we have a fully manned reception area as well as a managed business centre and are located less than 5 minutes from a post office, there are many reasons why a self storage unit is the cheaper, easier and more flexible option for an online business.

Self storage has long since been a staple in America, with TV programs looking into the world of self storage recently bringing it into the spotlight here too! This has meant a surge in popularity of storage companies for business use, including here at McCarthy’s, especially as we also offer office space and admin facilities alongside the basic empty shell.

So because of this, companies who are taking advantage of the ever growing and increasingly expanding online trading market can have an office, a shop and a store room all rolled into one handy self storage unit! They also then have the flexibility and space to expand as the needs of the business change. Whether that means needing more storage space in the short term (during busy periods such as Christmas) or over the long term, using the storage space as a cheaper and easier way to expand, grow and develop the business can kick start a business plan into action!

So go ahead and book your storage unit today and discover how flexible self storage could help your business to flourish!

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