How self storage can help you keep those New Year’s resolutions

Jan 16, 2020 | Moving

One in four of us will have made a New Year’s Resolution according to research. But how many of us kept them? Not that many apparently – looking at last year’s stats, only one in four can claim they kept them all, although slightly more encouragingly, 47 per cent of us did say we at least kept some of them.

In fact, so many of us ditch our plans to change there’s even been a calculation done to work out when Quitters’ Day is – the day most of us give up on our resolutions. This year it falls on Sunday 19th January – not even three weeks after the start of the new year.

Unsurprisingly many of the most popular resolutions focus on health and wellbeing – exercising more, losing weight and eating more healthily taking the top three positions. But other resolutions include spending more time with family, pursuing a career ambition, volunteering or saving money. All very positive resolutions to strive for!

At McCarthy’s, we often notice a little flurry of activity in January as people put into action some of their more home-focused resolutions. Apparently one in 10 resolution makers has something on their list around home renovations or decorating – and of course there will be those for whom 2020 will include a move. At least home-related resolutions don’t seem to suffer the same ‘quitting’ fate as those involving healthy eating or exercise!

If you’re planning some new year home improvements, self storage can be a great help. We regularly have customers across our three self storage centres in Leeds, Wakefield and Harrogate who are tackling loft or garage conversions or extensions. Self storage is an ideal, secure place to store your furniture and other belongings to clear out rooms ready for the builders. If you’re permanently losing the storage space you had in a loft or garage, self storage can even be a longer-term solution to the dilemma of where you put those things you need to keep – but don’t need all the time.

Our self storage centres allow you access as and when you need it. You’ll have your own pincode to enter the building, and then your own lock and key for the storage unit itself. Storage units come in a range of sizes – and years of experience means we can help you find the one that’s right for you. We can even scale up or down the size of your unit as needed if requirements change as your home project progresses. There’s ample free parking at all our sites and we have trolleys and lifts and other equipment to help you get your items into the unit from your car or van. We can even help with a man and van service if you like!

Even if you’re just planning on doing some decorating, self storage can be a big help to get stuff out of the way. Or if you’re thinking of moving home, you’ll want to have a good clear out ahead of the estate agent coming to take photos – move some of your belongings into self storage to help your house look as light and spacious as possible. When the house sells we are then on hand to help with the removal – we have over 50 years of experience getting people and their precious belongings from their old home to their new, whether it’s across Yorkshire or across the globe. We’ll help take as much of the stress of move day away as possible – after all it should be exciting to be starting a new chapter!

So, hopefully you won’t be giving up your resolutions on Quitters’ Day this weekend – and we’re on hand to help make your home dreams come true!

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